Thursday, September 8, 2011


To anonymous - I blogged about the issue of gay marriage previously on The Way.
In this comment I want to address the opposition to the views that we hold as Catholics.....
in a totally informal and spontaneous RANT.

You said:

"Each one of them will not allow me to use Biblical or Faith based sources because either they say...."
- religion is just a guide
- is used to control people
- is illogical to science
- is seprated from the state.
- interracial marriage was considered illegal and sinful
- we cannot enforce a non-christian to follow this principle because doing so will violate the 1st ammendment's freedom of expression and the 9th ammendment's right to privacy.
- A Christian cannot vote on a bill that will enforce the state to force people to follow our faith, especially since God wants us to have free will.
- We can warn people, as we've been doing for a long time.
- If religion is a guide then what is wrong with being guided?
- If religion is used to control people, then secularism must be a religion because secular humanism is used to control people too by means of mass media and scientific indoctrination through which the secularists seek to keep God and Christian principles out of society and the conciousness of the people.
- If religion is illogical to science, then it is either because science is not true or the religion is not true. If both are false, then neither should be listened to. If both are true, then they cannot contradict one another. Only true religion ought to be followed anyway.
- If religion is separated from the state, and religion has to do with God, then why is this country founded upon belief in God? Have you ever read the Declaration of Independence? Have you ever looked at the money in this country? Do you think that a state which denies the existence of God will last? Have you heard of Nazism, Communism, and every other atheistic -ism? Do you think that there is another authority upon which laws can be based without falling prey to the whims of the majority? Are you crazy?
- 1st Amendment and 9th amendment do not give people rights to do whatever they want! Hello! Am I free to express myself in anyway whatsoever? NO! I am not allowed to express myself in ways that are damaging to society. Nor can I do things privately that cause the same damage! For example (as if it were necessary) Do you not think that abortion has effected SOCIETY? an entire generation has been lost. Billions of dollars of our country's money has been piped into this murderous industry. The entire social and moral landscape has been adversely effected. Our economy has suffered drastically. Why? Without children and families economy suffers. Economics 101 anyone! As if the effects of these massive structures of sin and the dark cloud of a culture of death that cares more about things than people were not enough of an effect on society! UGGH!
- Interracial marriage was considered illegal and sinful by a bunch of wackos. Slavery was considered the same way - by wackos. The difference between these issues and the gay agenda? No natural human rights are being deprived by denying that gay marriage exists. O contraire! Human rights are being upheld - the right to know the truth, the right to live in a good society - one that is founded upon a true foundation - the family - and every other right that follows upon this - like the right of children to a father and mother!
- Yes Christians propose the truth for belief and it is not right to force others to believe what we believe (as if this were possible?). But it is not right to bow to the lies of the majority for the sake of not "forcing people to believe" what we believe. So we should let them force us to believe what they believe because it is based on a post-modern, scientific, agnostic view of reality and a false humanism? I think not! you want to be tolerant? Know the truth and share it. you want to defend the truth in a tolerant way? Speak it with love. you want to live the truth in a tolerant way? "Love as I have loved." How did Christ love? He told the truth. They killed Him for it. Don't expect anything less and you won't be disappointed. "Love is stronger than death." Tell it to your family, tell it to the world, pray that their eyes be opened. Pray that their ears hear. It is a battle, already won, but still a battle. The Word of God is a two edged sword. Use it. Let it inform your reason. Truth has one source - God - science, faith, reason - it don't matter. Know the Truth. He will set you FREE! 

This is the question of truth and tolerance my friend. The key to answering this question is to realize that we are not actually on the defensive. Too often Christians feel like they have to defend everything that they believe. Well, for a change, let's have a defense from the other side! Every single thing that they claim that we are doing by our faith-bias, mind control and whatever other way they set up faith against reason, they do themselves. How so?
They claim that we cannot bring our bias to weigh in on the issues. That God must be kept out of state issues and that no one has the right to force others to follow their religion. Well, here is a little Christian offensive for you: You, secularists that you are, whether secular humanists, atheists, agnostics, or any belief system at all whatsoever, should not bring your bias to weigh in on the issues! You should not force others to follow your religions- whether you call them religions or not! And you certainly should not claim the right to make your beliefs that backbone of American legislation! HA!

The key to responding to those who claim intolerance on our part, is to present to them the intolerance on their part! In the end, the only distinction that can show who is being tolerant and who is being negligient is called the TRUTH. Do not be duped into believing that we do not have a right to propose the truths that we have arrived at through our faith for belief to others. Do not be duped into thinking that Christian ethics are purely a matter of religious belief and that they have nothing to do with the nature of man! Pshhaw! They have everything to do with the nature of man, with his true good, and the common good of the entire state! You need not believe in Christ to know that certain things are good and certain things are evil and that the supposed "right to privacy" is a heap of nonsense when it comes to things like PUBLIC POLICY on abortion, birth control, homosexual "marriage," and the like! Christ is "Lumen Gentium." The Catholic Church is "Lumen Gentium." A LIGHT TO THE NATIONS!!!! If we do not apply our faith to the public sphere how will THY KINGDOM COME! Woe betide those who would make the state secular! Who would separate God from His People! Is not man made by God and for God! How will the authentic freedom and good of every individual every be reached if the state is totally separated from God and from its Christian ROOTS? Yes the secularists claim that it is intolerant to bring God into the public sphere.... so WHAT! I claim it is intolerant for them to not let HIM IN! The point is that we need to turn this nonsensical tolerance mumbo jumbo right back on those people from whence it came. The only difference is that we have a different kind of tolerance, a tolerance based on truth, and that is the only real tolerance, the only true way to set others free. JOHN 8:32!!!!! Moreover, do not let people use the Constitution of this great nation against you. Do not let them equate the civil rights movement with the gay agenda. The constitution is based on a view of man as created by God and endowed with inalienable rights - rooted in the nature that he received from his Creator. any interpretations of the Constitution that depart from the dignity of the person in the image of God are evil and must be rejected at all costs. How is the dignity of persons upheld by not allowing homosexual marriage? Because we are not presenting this immoral relationship as a legitimate basis of society in contradistinction to the family - the true cell or fundamental unit of the society!!!!! We are not establishing as social and political moral norm something that is blatantly immoral. We are protecting society and those individuals who struggle with those disorderd sexual inclinations and the same challenge to chastity as all of us from such an affront! Man by nature has a right to truth. If we do not stand up and defend it he will be deprived of that right by those who would make their own wills the sole criterion for truth. 

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