Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome to "The Way" Apologetics Blog, are you bored?

     If you answered, "sort of" or flat out "yes" than I am not surprised. Most Catholics do not know what Apologetics is all about and if they do, they are almost always bored with the first topic which is the introduction. Come on now: How many of you actually read the Introduction to a book you start? Most of us turn to Chapter 1 and DO NOT READ THE INTRO and that is because most of the time it is either boring or we just want to get to the good stuff.

     BUT with Apologetics we can't skip the intro, because if we are not introduced to apologetics than the rest of the VERY IMPORTANT TOPICS mean absolutely nothing to you and cannot help you defend your faith. Its like trying to become a Doctor and skipping Med school. And no one wants YOU to operate on them. TRANSLATION: No intellegent person wants to hear you defend the Catholic Faith if you can't answer their questions because you don't know how.

   So, on that note, WELCOME TO " THE WAY Apologetics and Hot Topic Blog". Here we will be posting the Apologetics Night Discussion Questions and continue to comment on important topics and concerns that are brought up. Your comments and questions are very welcome and for beginners (we all have to start somewhere) I would suggest scrolling through the different discussion questions under "Introduction Review."

God bless you and Just Follow Him.


  1. but whats up with this whole Pope thing? why do we say Peter is the pontif if it was James who declared the final decision at the councel of jerusalem. :(

  2. Please find the response to this question posted in a new blog entry!
