Thursday, January 13, 2011

Salvation through Apologetics?

             In response to the first post on the blog for The Way I would like to add the following: Apologetics accompanies all of us on the way to heaven. There is obviously a need for evangelization, just like there is obviously a need for catechesis. There is also a need for apologetics. What is the reason for all of this? There are people that have never heard the good news about Jesus. They need to be told. Hence, evangelization. There are people that have heard the good news about Jesus and need to be instructed in it so that they can grow in their faith. Hence, catechesis. But who is apologetics for? If I have been evangelized and I am able to evangelize others, if I know my faith and can even teach it to others, then what need is there for apologetics for me? Aside from evangelization and catechesis, that is, the initial proclamation of the faith and its systematic study in catechesis, why would we need apologetics? Isn't it enough if we simply learn our faith and share it with others?

      For anyone that has ever tried to share their faith with others and be an instrument in bringing them to Christ one thing is clear: our work in the salvation of souls and the conversion of others is very small (in relation to God's), but nonetheless, very important, since if we didn't do it, who would? This does not mean that it is easy work. Most people have their own ideas, their own beliefs, and their own way of looking at themselves, their lives, and their world. Most people are not well disposed to changing their habits and their entire lifestyle merely because of the words that someone speaks to them - especially if those words have to do with a certain poor carpenter from an obscure ancient Roman outpost that died at the hands of his own people thousands of years ago. Apologetics is necessary because if you can give reasons that compel people towards the truth of Christ and His Church, you can give them reasons to move away from whatever false beliefs and ways of living they may have fallen into, and help them to open their hearts to faith in Jesus. It is a special work of disposing those that we love to be more open to the words of Christ and the work of His Holy Spirit. The Father draws us to believe in His Son, but some hearts are hardened. Apologetics is an invaluable tool in breaking through to some of the hardest hearts, no matter where they are coming from.

              Therefore, the question is not so much why is apologetics necessary, rather, it is how serious are we about our faith in Jesus and how seriously do we hold salvation in Christ alone as the goal of human life? Once we have the answer to those questions, we will understand why apologetics are a necessity.

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